Lift Safe Supplies Rolls Royce Aero Engines With A Electric Lifter With A Custom Attachment

Lift Safe Supplies Rolls Royce Aero Engines With A Electric Lifter With A Custom Attachment

Lift Safe have recently supplied Rolls Royce Aero Engines with a mobile electric lifter to lift 90kg controllers from their production environment to test beds.

The modular electric mobile work positioner range is perfect for the more challenging lifting and handling applications. The fully modular system means: 90KG, 130KG, 175KG, 225KG & 325KG capacity models are available.

All spindle driven so no belts or chains. We can change the leg length and height for access and stability. The flexible leg design also us to build the lifter around your pallet/machine. It also allows easy use of the central brake bar. This allows you to choose between: 4 swivel wheels, 2 rear wheels fixed, 2 front swivel, or brake on.

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